Hester Painting & Decorating Explains What to Look For
SKOKIE, Ill., (May 7, 2011) – Spring may have sprung but the harsh effects of winter are actively haunting Midwestern homes. If not addressed annually, winter’s severe damage adds up, and homeowners may find themselves shelling out money for extended repairs caused by sub-zero temperatures and brutal precipitation. Proactive homeowners who inspect their homes’ exteriors annually often require fewer repairs over time. As such, their homes are not only more durable but maintain a greater value on the market.
Hester Painting & Decorating, an EPA-lead certified firm, has been identifying exterior trouble spots and problems for homeowners for more than 40 years. Jeff Hester, a.k.a. “Professor Paint” and vice president of Hester Painting & Decorating, urges homeowners to pay close attention to their exteriors. “Annual exterior inspections help the home’s curb appeal, but the key reasons to do it are your home’s longevity and value,” said Hester.
Hester encourages homeowners to conduct a careful inspection annually and look for trouble spots and warning signs. He recommends homeowners arm themselves with a flashlight, notebook and a couple of hours of time. Homeowners who decide to outsource the inspection will want to be sure to use a contractor who is in compliance with the new EPA lead-safe certification standards that went into effect on April 22, 2010.
Ignored or untreated issues can have serious effects. For example, exterior cracks and gaps trap moisture and can foster mold and mildew inside the home; families exposed may develop severe allergies. Here are some key areas to inspect:
- Paint Deterioration: Cracked, flaking and peeling paint leaves openings for unwanted moisture, which welcomes mildew and mold.
- Clogged Gutters: Debris, leaves and ice build-up on the home can cause severe roof damage. Maintaining clear gutters helps prevent interior leakage and water damage to ceilings.
- Exterior Cracks: Spaces and gaps in caulk and weather-stripping give water the opportunity to invade.
- Sun and Shade: The sun’s harsh rays will fade sections of paint, while areas with extended shade hold moisture that lead to mildew and rot.
For homeowners in the Chicagoland area, Hester Painting & Decorating offers free annual exterior inspections through its Exterior Maintenance Program. Homeowners receive a detailed, no-obligation evaluation, including cost estimates and timelines for suggested repairs. “Many homeowners can spot an issue after it’s done damage, but it is better – and far less expensive – to catch potential problems before they fester.”
Founded more than forty years ago, Hester Painting & Decorating became one of the first Chicagoland firms to receive EPA lead-certification in 2010. Hester Painting & Decorating provides homes and high-profile commercial establishments with high-end decorating services. Widely regarded as a leader in the fields of painting, faux finishing, and exterior and interior maintenance, Hester Painting & Decorating utilizes an enormous repertoire of finishes and wall covering techniques to create unique environments for its clients. More information about franchising opportunities and other services offered by Hester Painting & Decorating is available at (847) 677-5130.