Rain, birds singing, temps above 40 – could Spring really be right around the corner?! Welcome this fabulous season into your home with these tips.
Spring Cleaning – There is just something about the smell of Spring that makes me want to deep clean my entire house, and that includes cleaning out! Not only is this the perfect time to clean those seldom-touched places (glass shelves in cabinets, closet shelves, sofa cushions), it is also the ideal time to get rid of clutter! Break this daunting task down room by room, and you will be finished in no time. Consider donating (Goodwill, Freecycle), Craig’s List or eBay before you toss items in the garbage.
Take a Deep Breath – These fresh, delicious-smelling Spring breezes also bring allergens – ugh! Take a few minutes to change the vents on your HVAC system to aid in eliminating potential pollens and allergens from inside your home and help your entire family breathe easy.
Screen Test – Opening all of the windows and doors is the best way to refresh your home and rid it of all of the stale winter air. As you do so, carefully check each screen for any rips, holes or separation from the frame. This is also a good time to check windows, door thresholds, and moldings. The warm weather and beautiful flowers also bring bugs – and you want them to stay outside!
April Showers – In addition to bringing May flowers, they also bring potential flooding – yikes! Clean out gutters, check all sump pumps, back-up pumps, and drainage pathways to ensure they are in proper working condition. This will prevent flooding and damage to gutters and roof, as well as save you headaches and money!
Call Hester Home Maintenance to handle all of the above tasks as well as a checklist of 30+ more. Our mission is to prevent headaches and save you money! Call to set up an appointment today!